Active for health BPW health management



It not only affects individual well-being, but also has a significant influence on individual performance, the working atmosphere and the productivity of the company.

A responsible approach to health therefore serves everyone - especially against the background of increasing working lives. The basis for this are the legally binding measures for occupational safety and environmental protection.

In its occupational health management, however, BPW goes far beyond this and promotes the health and well-being of its employees in all areas of the company - systematically and sustainably. One of the goals is to strengthen the personal responsibility and initiative of the employees.  


 Learn more

 - BPW Bergische Achsen

The four pillars of occupational health management

Social counselling: Just listen to a professional opinion - I'll do it!

Die BPW Sozialberatung ist ein Angebot für alle Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter bei beruflichen, privaten oder gesundheitlichen Fragestellungen. Die ausgebildete Sozialarbeiterin kann mit ihrer professionellen und objektiven Sichtweise neue Perspektiven aufzeigen und berät unabhängig, neutral und absolut vertraulich. Besonderen Wert wird hierbei auf die Einhaltung der gesetzlichen Schweigepflicht gelegt. 

Our counselling service:

  • Conflicts at the workplace
  • Problems in the private environment
  • Development of new perspective
 - BPW Bergische Achsen
 - BPW Bergische Achsen
Work & family: Simply accommodate the little ones in an uncomplicated way - I'll do it!

At the BPW KidsTreff, employees' children between the ages of 4 months and 14 years are looked after at short notice - at flexible times and without any complications! In addition, BPW also takes care of finding a suitable childminder and also offers a colourful and exciting programme for the little BPWers in the afternoons and during the holidays.

Our offer:

  • KidsTreff
  • Cooperation with childminders
  • Children's camps
  • flexible childcare in the afternoon
Health promotion: Just do something for my health - I'll do it!

In health promotion, the focus is clearly on personal responsibility. To promote this, BPW offers its employees many ways of integrating personal health into their everyday lives.

The BPW Active Meeting supports employees in staying healthy and fit. An individual training plan is drawn up for each employee.

The sports and health programme for trainees that accompanies their training includes special courses on topics such as nutrition, fitness, strength training and cardiovascular issues. Here, too, the goal is to take responsibility for one's own health.

Our offer:

  • Aktiv-Treff
  • Ergonomics at the workplace
  • Sports offers
 - BPW Bergische Achsen
 - BPW Bergische Achsen
Integration management: Just ask how to get back into work - I'll do it!

Those who want to return to work after a longer absence - for example after an illness - often want a "soft start" to slowly get used to the job again. Together we find an individual and flexible solution that enables employees to regain their old strength at their own pace.

Your contact to us

And this is how you find BPW. We look forward to hearing from you.

BPW Bergische Achsen

51674 Wiehl

Route description

Phone: +49 (0) 2262 78-0
Fax: +49 (0) 2262 78-1516


Do you have any questions?

Our service staff will be happy to help you with general questions at any time. For specific concerns, you can find your personal contact person via our contact search.

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Our awards

  •  - BPW Bergische Achsen