Our environmental and energy policy

 - BPW Bergische Achsen
BPW saves energy and thus protects the planet

Our self-commitment and environmental protection polic
BPW Bergische Achsen KG is committed to: 

Our company recognises the urgent challenges of climate change and environmen-tal degradation and is committed to a comprehensive environmental protection poli-cy. We respect regulatory requirements and consider environmental aspects proac-tively and cooperatively in the planning phase.

In addition to the necessary commercial efficiency, it is very important for us to pay attention to the following key issues:

1.Greenhouse gas emissions, decarbonisation

We have set ourselves ambitious targets for the reduction of our greenhouse gas emissions are constantly striving for technologies and processes that ensure a re-duced CO2 footprint.

We require our suppliers to use low-carbon technologies and processes in order to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Through strategic decarbonisation, we want to actively contribute to global climate protection and reduce our CO2 footprint to zero by 2045.


2. Energy efficiency, renewable energy:

We are investing in photovoltaic systems, hydrogen and other renewable energies. Through continuous improvements and investments in modern technologies we are increasing our energy efficiency, also to reduce our fossil energy consumption and thus promote the transition to a sustainable energy future.

3. Resource management, waste reduction, reuse and recycling:

In order to reduce our ecological footprint, our production processes are designed to minimise the amount of waste. We use chemicals responsibly, reuse valuable resources and support the recycling process. This includes the responsible selec-tion of materials and the favouring of recycling over disposal. We strive for closed-loop systems and heat recovery.

4. Diversity, deforestation:

We are committed to designing our activities in such a way that they protect animals and diversity and minimise deforestation.

5. Soil and water protection:

We pay strict attention to the protection of adjacent waters, canals and soil and are committed to preventing the pollution of waters and soil, maintaining water and soil quality and conserving marine resources.

6. Noise and air emissions:

We are committed to reducing our emissions and implementing technologies that reduce our air and noise emissions. Our goal is to minimise the impact on employ-ees, local residents and the environment.

7. Protective measures and emergency plans:

We take preventative protective measures and are prepared for sudden loss events by means of proactive emergency planning.




This comprehensive environmental policy is an integral part of our corporate philosophy. We are aware that environmental protection is a continuous process. We will regularly evaluate our efforts and undergo independent certification in ac-cordance with ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 to ensure that our environmental and energy management system meets international standards and that we comply with binding obligations.

You can find our certificates in our Download Center

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